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Sun Tzu Umetnost Vojne Pdf

I can’t believe we’re nearly at the end of the year. As the party season gets underway it also means that the First Monday Crime Christmas special is back.

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  2. Art Of War Sun Tzu Pdf

The details you need to remember are that the date is Monday, 2nd December 2019, the time is 18:30 p.m. And the location is City University, London.There is a much more cosy feel to this month’s panel, which is perfect for the long winter nightsThis month’s panel is being sponsored by Severn House Publishing who are very kindly providing wine and there will also be cookies courtesy of cookie maker extraordinaire, Joy Kluver. The panel is also being moderated by Jake Kerridge.But that’s not all, there is also a special, Christmas themed event taking place, Criminal Mastermind featuring Angela Clarke and Claire McGowan.So who’s appearing next month?Shamini Flint author of The Beijing ConspiracyOne man is caught up in a lethal global conspiracy in this explosive spy thriller.“I need your support.

There is no one else I can trust. Please help her. Please help our daughter.”When ex-Marine Jack Ford receives a letter containing news of a daughter he never knew he had, he feels compelled to return to China, a country he hasn’t visited since 1989 when, as a young American spy, he fell in love with a beautiful student activist and found himself caught up in the horrors of the Tiananmen Square massacre. But why has Xia got in touch now, after a thirty-year silence?On arrival in Beijing, Jack finds himself accidentally in possession of an explosive piece of information both the Chinese and American governments are desperate to get their hands on.

Alone in a strange city, suspected of being a traitor by his own side, not knowing whom to trust, Jack is faced with an impossible dilemma: should he save his new-found daughter or prevent a new world war from breaking out?Simon Brett author of The Killer in the ChoirWhen Jude joins the Fethering community choir, she discovers that at least one of her fellow choristers is hiding a deadly secret.Although she hadn’t known Leonard Mallett very well, nor liked him particularly, Carole Seddon feels duty bound to attend her fellow committee member’s funeral. As she suspected, the hymns, readings and sermon are all very predictable – not unlike Leonard himself. What she couldn’t have predicted was that the deceased’s daughter would use the occasion to publicly accuse her stepmother of murder.Did Heather Mallett really kill her husband, as many Fethering residents believe? Deciding to get to the heart of the matter, Carole’s neighbour Jude joins the new community choir – and discovers that amidst the clashing egos and petty resentments lurk some decidedly false notes. At least one chorister would appear to be hiding a deadly secret – and it’s up to Carole and Jude to unearth the truth.Tarquin Hall author of The Case of the Reincarnated ClientA client claiming she was murdered in a past life is a novel dilemma even for Vish Puri, India’s Most Private Investigator.

When a young woman comes forward claiming to be the reincarnation of Riya Kaur, a wife and mother who vanished during the bloody 1984 anti-Sikh riots, Puri is dismissive. He’s busy enough dealing with an irate matrimonial client whose daughter is complaining about her groom’s thunderous snoring. Puri’s indomitable Mummy-ji however is adamant the client is genuine. How else could she so accurately describe under hypnosis Riya Kaur’s life and final hours? Driven by a sense of duty – the original case was his late father’s – Puri manages to acquire the police file only to find that someone powerful has orchestrated a cover-up.

Forced into an alliance with his mother that tests his beliefs and high blood pressure as never before, it’s only by delving into the past the help of his reincarnated client that Puri can hope to unlock the truth.Sam Blake author of Keep Your Eyes on MeYou won’t be able to look awayWhen Vittoria Devine and Lily Power find themselves sitting next to each other on a flight to New York, they discover they both have men in their lives whose impact has been devastating. Lily’s family life is in turmoil, her brother left on the brink of ruin by a con man. Vittoria’s philandering husband’s latest mistress is pregnant.By the time they land, Vittoria and Lily have realised that they can help each other right the balance. But only one of them knows the real storyTickets are absolutely FREE and you can reserve your space by clicking on the following link below.The nearest tube stations are Farringdon and Angel. Afterwards we will be heading over to the Dame Alice Owen for a drink. I’m delighted to be sharing an extract from Heleen Kist’s latest novel Stay Mad, Sweetheart as part of the blog tour. With thanks to Dylan Thomson from Red Dog Books for inviting me to take part.Before I share the extract with you let’s take a look at what the book is about.BLURBTHERE’S A FINE LINE BETWEEN INNOCENCE AND GUILT.

AN EVEN FINER LINE BETWEEN JUSTICE AND REVENGE.Data scientist Laura prefers the company of her books to the real world – let alone that cesspit online. But when her best friend Emily becomes the victim of horrific cyberbullying, she makes it her all-engulfing mission to track down the worst culprits.Petite corporate financier Suki is about to outshine the stupid boys at her firm: she’s leading the acquisition of Edinburgh’s most exciting start-up. If only she could get its brilliant, but distracted, co-founder Laura to engage.Event planner Claire is left to salvage the start-up’s annual conference after her colleague Emily fails to return to work.

She’s determined to get a promotion out of it, but her boss isn’t playing ball.As the women’s paths intertwine, the insidious discrimination they each face comes to light. Emboldened by Emily’s tragic experience, they join forces to plot the downfall of all those who’ve wronged them.But with emotions running high, will the punishments fit the crimes?A pacy suspense fiction novel with its feet firmly in the #MeToo era.EXTRACT1.JUST ME, LAURAA tear fell onto the page of my book in a star-shaped splotch. I wiped it with my thumb. The stationery cupboard’s dry, inky air tickled my throat as I sighed.Those poor people.The photocopier vibrated against my back, mirroring the movement of the novel’s train carriage, its heat evocative of the bodies pressed together, its persistent humming an echo of the stoic prayers uttered by the captives being transported to their final destination.I hated to leave them, but my time was up. I waved the still damp page side to side and blew the coldest air that I could onto it. The translucent spot rippled the paper. I closed the book and held it to my chest, stroking its edges.

It wasn’t the first one I’d ruined this way.I heard giggling. The door clicked open. Restless rustling of fabric, the smacking wetness of lips, and baritone groans filled the tiny space.Crap.‘Hurry up,’ said a woman.The man whispered, ‘Let me help.’It may only have been seconds, but the intensifying moans suggested they were being well spent.

I shrunk into my slot between the photocopier and the side wall, forced to listen to the unmistakable swoosh of skirt-lining against tights, the metal tear of a zipper, and the thud and tinkle of a belt buckle hitting the floor.The room’s flimsy rear partition shook against my shoulder. Through a small gap I saw snippets of skin: her braceleted arms outstretched above their heads, the tips of his fingers digging into her wrist.I looked away. Beside me, rattled pens rolled towards the edge of a metal shelf.

I willed them to stay put.Her voice again, breathless: ‘I have a better idea.’ She cooed, ‘Help me up.’I stiffened. Up?The man grunted. The photocopier creaked and a cascade of red curls fell over the side of the machine onto my head. Definitely Sally. But who was he?I winced. I preferred not to know.

But what if they saw me? They’d think I was some kind of pervert.

Steeling myself for intense awkwardness, I cleared my throat. Twice.‘What the?’ said the guy.The mass of hair bounced out of view.My knees complained as I rose. I was reading.’‘Oh my God, Laura, if I’d known’ Sally hopped off the machine, clutching the panels of her blouse. She swooped down to pick up her skirt, not realising that swift move exposed me to a full-frontal of the newest data science recruit, his stunned face up top and trousers bunched around his ankles below.My blush felt incandescent. I covered my eyes to let the interrupted love birds regain their modesty, the three of us developing an unspoken understanding that this never happened.As the door closed behind them, I caught his worried murmur, ‘Do you think she saw it?’ and her replying with a chuckle, ‘If she did, it will have been her first.’Though it was true, it was unnecessary. I crouched to retrieve the book from my rudely invaded personal haven. The guy’s head popped back in.

I jumped, hitting my shoulder against the shelf.‘Forgot to tell you.’ He smiled meekly. ‘Justin is looking for you.THE FILTERED-WATER dispenser in the corridor provided me with much-needed cooling down. The heat receded from my cheeks but immediately fired up again as I saw the clock overhead and stress took hold: I was late.How did I let time slip away? I grabbed my phone for my regular check-in with Emily, my best friend. The line rang out.

I let out a high-pitched whine, torn between wanting to wait to try again and rushing to Justin’s supposedly mission critical meeting.I walked on.Five colleagues huddled ahead of me, deep in discussion, drawing flow charts with black marker pens on a long length of wall coated with a special, wipeable paint. One of them spotted me approaching; he nudged another. Their semicircle fell silent and broke open, revealing their work.

Hopeful faces sought my contribution, my approval. I passed them with a brisk pace and my most courteous smile.I dialled Emily again as I strode past rows of desks, their occupants tip-tapping away at their keyboards, their screens faded by the rays of a rare Scottish sun.

This time, her line was engaged.Please God, let them not have found her mobile number, too.In the lobby, the multicoloured logo of Empisoft stretched across the surface behind the reception desk. Underneath, a shelf showcased our many technology awards, oversized engraved dust-gatherers bearing testament to our team’s hard work. Next to them, an embarrassingly large photo of Justin and me holding yet another trophy, my thin smile doing its best, my eyes missing the lens by a mile.Liv stood watering the plant next to the visitors’ TV tuned to the non-stop horrors of the outside world. She dried her hands on her cardigan and flashed a motherly smile. ‘There you are. A dose of book time again?’I nodded, ready to speed on, but my eyeline flicked to the sixty-inch screen.

Adam Mooney, the Hollywood star, was exiting Edinburgh’s Festival Theatre and making his way down its stone steps. Saliva flooded my mouth in revulsion.A sea of outstretched arms shoved microphones towards his angular jaw as reporters pelted him with questions.

‘How do you respond to calls for your arrest for sexual assault?’ I spotted errors in the closed caption transcription. Too many voices.

But it perfectly captured his response: ‘No Comment.’Liv stood at my side. ‘That’s a real tearjerker, isn’t it?’‘What?

You feel sorry for him?’ I asked.‘No, your book. The concentration camps.’‘Oh.’ I looked down at the blue-and-white-striped cover.

‘Yes.’‘I do feel a bit sorry for him, though.’ Liv gazed back at the screen. ‘It’s so easy for this kind of thing to destroy a career. I’m not convinced he deserves to suffer like that.’I spun towards the boardroom. ‘I don’t think he can suffer enough.’2.MY EMILYThe kettle beeped three times, the red numeric display showing the water had reached the programmed temperature of seventy-three degrees. Perfect for herbal tea, according to the manual.Emily drew a green tea bag from the overhead cupboard of her galley kitchen and plopped it into a brown-rimmed mug. She loved her gadgets, but had she known it was a required safety feature for the voice-controlled kettle to beep when ready, she would have sent the freebie back to her client.

It was getting on her nerves. And her nerves were frayed enough.Swirls of yellow liquid formed underneath the steam in her cup. Unable to find a clean teaspoon in the drawer, Emily fished the tea bag out of her brew with a chopstick pulled from last night’s microwaved egg fried rice. She threw the bag into the sink, onto a pile of its discarded kin, white-rimmed squares of thin, drying paper shrunk around increasingly mouldy lumps of leaves.With the other end of the chopstick, she scratched behind her ear, stirring thick strands of unwashed hair. She returned the stick to the plastic container as though that small semblance of tidying made up for the surrounding week-worth of filth.Emily shuffled to her armchair. Her fuzzy slippers stirred dust bunnies into the sunshine streaming through the living room’s large, Victorian window. She blew on her drink out of habit — from when kettles just boiled water to a throat-scorching one hundred degrees centigrade.

A dribble of drool escaped her mouth.The remote control for the TV was out of reach, where she’d hurled it last. That was okay. She’d seen enough. Too much.But perhaps this timeHer mobile rang, diverting her attention. But it, too, lay far away and her limbs were heavy. By the time she managed to propel herself forward, the ringing had stopped.

She shrugged. Laura would retry later. She always did.Emily took a tentative sip of her drink. The phone rang again. The side table was covered with dirty crockery and technology magazines sticky with donutty finger marks, so she put her mug on the floor. It would mark the floorboards with a ring but sod the landlord.She read the caller ID and her shoulders slumped. She slid the green strip aside.‘Hello, Claire.’‘How are you, Em?’ Claire’s voice wavered.

‘We haven’t heard from you at work.’‘I’m I don’t know.’‘Listen, Darren was having a hissy-fit yesterday, stomping about the place, shouting about deadlines. I’m not sure how much longer I can cover for you I mean, everybody knows you’re not really sick-sick.’Emily flinched. No, she wasn’t sick-sick. But this didn’t have a name.‘Anyway,’ Claire continued. ‘I’m calling because of the Empisoft conference. It’s only weeks away and I need your help.

I’m not up to speed and I’ve got my hands full with my charity gig’s PR and coordination as it is.’Emily suppressed a sigh. Her mind was a million miles from the office, but this was Laura’s company and the most important event of the year for them. ‘What do you need?’‘I’ve sent you a long email with questions. Would you have a look, please?’ Claire asked.Emily scanned the room. Where was her laptop? A black triangle poked out from below a blanket of newspapers and magazines on the dining table. ‘Will do.’‘Honestly, Em, we need you back and we’re all worried about you.’Emily massaged her forehead.

‘I guess I could come in tomorrow.’‘That’s great. But don’t rush-rush. Darren’s gym sessions don’t start until 8.30 now. I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. See you tomorrow.’‘Uh-huh.’Emily rifled through her papers on the dining table, shoving aside print-outs of emails and letters from the council. She found her charger cable and the red sock she’d lost the week before. The TV remote by her feet lured her to have one more peek.

She knew she shouldn’t, but she picked it up and took aim.It was that dreadful women’s talk show. The one where the presenters fanned themselves when the resident Italian chef spoon-fed them tiramisu, the one that ensured guests stormed off to keep the viewers coming back.Why was the dippy blonde on the right pointing and shouting this time? Emily upped the volume. She leaned closer, her body tensed.‘ How can you say non-verbal cues should be enough?’ the blonde demanded. ‘ What is a non-verbal cue, anyway? Does that count?

Why not say “no” like a normal person?’The one with the over-white teeth replied, ‘ We’re British. We’re polite. A firm “no” is too punitive, like a slap in the face. When all we want to signal is to slow down.’‘We can’t expect men to read minds, though,’ interjected the third woman, older, her lips puffed out with fillersEmily stood transfixed. She knew it was wrong for her to be so unreasonably — unnaturally — drawn to the incessant coverage; but she couldn’t help it. It was about her.

It was her harrowing encounter they probed, as selfishly as he’d touched her. They were lifting the lid off her life, as insensitively as he’d lifted her dress.She bit her lip to channel the hurt; she needed to watch. Which way would it swing today? Would they see it her way? Would they see her? A real, pulsing, sentient human being.

Not some slab of meat offered for dismemberment, for them to pry apart her motives, her honesty, her morals — to judge.Occasionally, throughout this whole ordeal, she’d catch a glimmer of hope through all the contempt, a sliver of validation. So the fascination persisted. She longed to understand what it was that hurled some to her defence and others to the edge of crazy.‘ Exactly.’ shrieked the first panel member on the TV.

‘ I’m sorry, but in my day, you knew not to go to someone’s flat — or in this case a hotel room, which is even worse — unless you were up for it. This girl throws herself at a famous actor she’s only met that night and what? She expects him to read her mind?

She can speak. She should’ve spoken up if she didn’t like his kisses or him performing oral sex on her. Quite frankly she should have left the minute she became uncomfortable.’‘ Don’t you think there was a power dynamic at play that made it harder? I mean he’s Adam Mooney, for Christ’s sake.’‘ She doesn’t work for him—’Emily zapped the screen into darkness. There was nothing new.

Nothing that would make the haters hate less. Nothing that would make this ‘ she’ they spoke of so callously feel uncorrupted again. Emily covered her mouth; felt a tear hit her hand. They knew her name. Why did they never use her name?Questions she’d asked herself over and over swirled round in her head. Why hadn’t she just said ‘no’ that night?

Why had she thought it a good idea to write her story and have it posted online? Why had she believed that blog when they said she’d remain anonymous? What an idiot. What a fool to think she would be a force for good, for girls’ empowerment, for healthy debate. It had been the worst decision of her life. And now nothing could turn back the clock.She rubbed her face to loosen the tension and filled her lungs slowly.

Must try to move on. Maybe work would help after all?The itch behind her ear didn’t let up. She scratched it once more and scooped her hair into a messy bun, wincing as the rank-smelling bobble she’d been carrying around her wrist all week passed her nose. Once the bun was secured into place, she knotted the belt of her bathrobe and strode to the table.The computer broke free from its surrounding papers and magazines with a single yank.

She watched the disturbed pile wobble and slip to the ground in a colourful spread. Emily cleared more space on the table, flicking crumbs of who-knows-what into the void with the back of her hand.There.She sat down. The laptop whirred into action, the screen’s static attracting a plague of dust.

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She clutched her sleeve and rubbed it away.A thump by her door.She listened for more, the back of her neck tingling. She hoped, of the two things it might be, that it was her neighbour coming to check on her again. But no knock came. Her stomach dropped.Shit.She shook her head. Ignore it.The waterfall background on her screen was meant to be a serene, calming image but all Emily sensed when she looked at it was the thunderous pressure of the water on her head, its silvery foam enveloping her, the absence of air — drowning.With a slight tremble in her finger, she inched the mouse towards her email. At the top of her inbox was Claire’s red-flagged message: Help! Questions for Empisoft conference.Emily breathed a wisp of relief when she saw that the fifty-odd other messages were business-related and all from people she knew, including one from HR she’d check out later.

She mentally blew a kiss to the IT chap who’d assured her he would filter out all the hate mail, so she wouldn’t be confronted with it.Her brain wouldn’t focus. She re-read the same piece of text five times.

The planning around the annual conference of the city’s most celebrated high-growth start-up was a challenge, sure, but she knew that wasn’t the real problem. It was the thought of returning to work, to the stares, the whispers. They’d had to get extra security at the office when she’d been identified as the anonymous woman behind the incendiary blog post; a daily hassle no one appreciated.For the best part of two hours, she resolved logistical issues with the catering and stupidly constrained parking around the large conference venue. No reason Claire couldn’t have handled those herself.Emily’s cramped thighs begged for movement.

She got up for another cup of tea, leaving the previous one cold, iridescent plaques lining the surface like an oil slick.As she passed the front door, she remembered the earlier sound. Despite alarm ringing in her ears, she pulled at the knob.On the landing lay a medium-sized box, addressed simply to The Bitch. Emily peered over into the stairwell of her tenement, knowing it was pointless. Whoever had finagled access to her building would be long gone.The box didn’t weigh much, but its content sounded solid when shifted. She carried it inside, her pulse throbbing in her temples, her teeth clenched.She walked straight to the kitchen, flipped open the stainless-steel lid of her bin, and shook the ‘gift’ out of the box. The large purple dildo fell atop layers of gloopy plastic film pried from ready meals. Underneath, she could still see the fat, curved tip of the other veiny, flesh-coloured sex toy.Emily smacked the metal lid down and crumpled onto the tiled floor.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, her body convulsing with each staggered sob.She couldn’t do this anymore.Publisher: Red Dog PressPublication date: 19th November 2019Print length: 330 pagesIf you would like to purchase Stay Mad, Sweetheart, you can do so by clicking on one the following link below.FOLLOW THE BLOG TOUR. Today is publication day for a very exciting book which I have wanted to shout about ever since I read it a few weeks ago. I’m absolutely delighted and beyond excited to be able to share my review of First Blood by Angela Marsons, a prequel to the Kim Stone series with you today.BLURBIn the darkness of a cold December morning, Detective Kim Stone steps through the doors of Halesowen Police Station. She’s about to meet her team for the first time.

The victim of her next case is about to meet his killerWhen the body of a young man is found beheaded and staked to the ground in a secluded area of the Clent Hills, Kim and her new squad rush to the crime scene.Searching the victim’s home, Kim discovers a little girl’s bedroom and a hidden laptop. Why is his sister relieved to hear he’s dead – and where is the rest of his family?As Kim begins to unearth the dark secrets at the heart of the case, D.C. Stacey Wood finds a disturbing resemblance to the recent murder of Lester Jackson. But that’s not all Stacey finds She’s convinced there is a link between the victims and a women’s shelter run by Marianne Forbes, Lester’s niece. A child of the care system herself, Kim knows all too well what it means to be vulnerable. Could Marianne be the key to cracking this case?With the killer about to strike again, Kim is in deep water with a rookie squad. Inexperienced Stacey is showing signs of brilliance but struggling to hold her nerve and, while D.S.

Bryant is reliable and calm, D.S. Dawson is a liability. With his home life in pieces, his volatile behaviour is already fracturing her fragile new team.Can Kim bring Dawson in line and pull her crew together in time to catch the killer before another life is taken? This time, one of her own could be in terrible dangerDiscover where it all began for Kim and her team. An absolutely heart-stopping mystery thriller that will keep you glued to the pages, reading late into the night.

Perfect for Kim Stone fans and new readers to the million-copy bestselling series.A detective hiding dark secrets, Kim Stone will stop at nothing to protect the innocent.MY THOUGHTSKim Stone fans, you are in for a treat. Angela Marsons has taken Kim back, right to the beginning, before Silent Scream and before the friendships she has with her colleagues has had a chance to develop fully. Here, in First Blood, everything is new and fresh. We get to see everything we know well and love about this series in a new light.When I first heard that Angela Marsons had written a prequel to her first novel in the Kim Stone series, I was really excited. I pretty much dropped everything I was doing and picked up this book.

I wanted to know more about Kim’s relationship with her colleagues and how this developed. I must admit, it did feel quite strange not to have the usual quirky exchanges between Bryant and Kim.

Right at the beginning, however, Kim doesn’t know how long she will be working with him or anyone else on the team. She doesn’t know if she can trust anyone yet. We can see that she has not managed to fit in with any other teams within the police force, and this seems to be the last throw of the dice for her.As well as getting to know a younger version of Kim Stone, it’s been fascinating peering into the lives of her colleagues. You can see the beginnings of her friendship forming with Bryant. You can also see the determination in the members of her team, notably in Stacey and Dawson, to solve the case they are working on.The case is a chilling one, with links to a women’s refuge centre nearby, Kim and her team are trying to track down an individual who is killing abusers. To the killer, what they are doing is just, and this is probably how a lot of readers will feel about this as well.

The killer is playing on the minds of the police. It becomes a race against time for the police to work out what the killer is planning to do next before they kill again.If you haven’t yet read the Kim Stone series, then this is a good place to start. It can be quite daunting to start a series several books in, so this is the perfect opportunity for you to get to know Kim and her team.This book shapes the pathway for the rest of the books to follow. Angela Marsons has done a brilliant job in putting a fresh spin on this series. It’s been fascinating going back in time and seeing where it all began for the characters, which fans of the Kim Stone series have grown to know so well. Once again, Angela Marsons has come up with a brilliant plot for her characters to sink their teeth into.For fans of Kim Stone and newcomers to the series as well, I highly recommend First Blood.

And if you are new to the series, you will want to read the rest of the books straight away. Absolutely brilliant stuff!Publisher: BookouturePublication date: 14th November 2019Print length: 407 pagesIf you would like to purchase First Blood, you can do so by clicking on the following link below. It’s my great pleasure to be joining the blog tour today for Will Carver’s, Nothing Important Happened Today.

With thanks to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for inviting me to take part.BLURBNine suicidesOne CultNo leaderNine people arrive one night on Chelsea Bridge. They’ve never met. But at the same time, they run, and leap to their deaths. Each of them received a letter in the post that morning, a pre-written suicide note, and a page containing only four words: Nothing important happened today.That is how they knew they had been chosen to become a part of the People Of Choice: A mysterious suicide cult whose members have no knowledge of one another.Thirty-two people on that train witness the event. Two of them will be next. By the morning, People Of Choice are appearing around the globe; it becomes a movement.

A social media page that has lain dormant for four years suddenly has thousands of followers. The police are under pressure to find a link between the cult members, to locate a leader that does not seem to exist.How do you stop a cult when nobody knows they are a member?MY THOUGHTSWill Carver is a writer, unlike any writer I have read before. Last year I read Good Samaritans, and it was my top read of 2018. I couldn’t stop talking about it and recommending it.

Art Of War Sun Tzu Pdf

And Will Carver has pulled it off again with Nothing Important Happened Today. Although I found it a little slower paced than his previous book, it was still very intriguing, and the voice of the narrative made it really gripping. It is a very unique book that you won’t be forgetting about any time soon after you read it.This book also sees the return of Detective Sergeant Pace who featured in Good Samaritans. The police are investigating nine suicides. Nine people have thrown themselves off Chelsea Bridge. They are called ‘The Chosen Ones.’ The morning of their suicide, they each received a letter with four words written on it, nothing important happened today.

But what compelled them all, nine strangers, to meet at the same place, at the same time and throw themselves off a bridge? Are they members of a cult? Who is behind sending the letters out to the individuals? It soon becomes clear that this won’t be the last time such an event happens.Will Carver does have a very dark mind. I thought this when I read his last book, but the darkness is turned up a notch in his latest.

As the story gets going, I wanted to know what was going on in the background and why the nine strangers all decided, on the same day, to commit suicide. It almost seemed as though they had been programmed to do it.

I wanted to know who was behind the letters. Will Carver cleverly brings this together at the end in a nail-biting finale. I could never quite pinpoint who I thought was responsible for what was happening, and when it finally dawned on me who it was, it was a mind-blowing moment.Although there was very little dialogue in this book, I found the narrative so strong. We don’t get to spend an awful lot of time with the victims, but when Will Carver does allow us a peek into their lives, I felt as though I really connected to them.

I couldn’t understand why they were planning to kill themselves, and this was what made me even keener to find out who was behind this. I wanted to know how they had come to be in this position in the first place.Will Carver writes very unique books. He tackles some uncomfortable and sometimes distressing subjects, but his writing is utterly addictive and he makes his books so fascinating.Nothing Important Happened Today is a book about how a person’s mind can easily be manipulated, and it makes it quite scary to see how this can happen.Very dark, unsettling but very intriguing.

You won’t find another writer out there who writes like Will Carver.Publisher: Orenda BooksPublication date: 14th November 2019Print length: 276 pagesIf you would like to purchase Nothing Important Happened Today, you can do by clicking on one of the following links below.FOLLOW THE BLOG TOUR. I’m delighted to be sharing my review of Nothing to Hide by James Oswald, the second book in his Constance Fairchild series. With thanks to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for inviting me to take part in the blog tour.BLURBSuspended from duty after her last case ended in the high-profile arrest of one of Britain’s wealthiest men, DC Constance Fairchild is trying to stay away from the limelight. Fate has other ideas.Coming home to her London flat, Constance stumbles across a young man, bloodied, mutilated and barely alive. She calls it in and is quickly thrown into the middle of a nationwide investigation.

It seems that the victim is just the latest in a string of similar ritualistic attacks.No matter that she is off-duty, no matter that there are those in the Met who would gladly see the back of her, Con can’t shake her innate determination to bring the monsters responsible for this brutality to justice.Trouble always seems to find her, and even if she has nothing to hide, perhaps she has everything to lose.MY THOUGHTSNothing to Hide is the second book in James Oswald’s Constance Fairchild series, and it is a real corker. I thought the first book in this series was good, but I think the second is even better and I read it fast. It does deal with some very dark themes, and it pushes Constance or ‘Con’ as she prefers to be known; only her mother calls her Constance, to the brink.When we last saw Constance, she had just uncovered a serious case of corruption within the police force after the death of her colleague and friend a short while beforehand. Since her discovery, several of her colleagues have turned against her. There is a sense that she is very much on her own in this book. She has also had to face the brunt of the media who are constantly pursuing her.

It doesn’t help as well that she comes from a very different background to most of her colleagues. Her family are descended from nobility, and she came from a background of wealth and privilege; however, her father cut off her inheritance when she went against her parents’ wishes by joining the police force.I think it’s Constance’s background story that makes her character feel fresh, to me. There aren’t many fictional detectives that I’m aware of, who are descended from nobility. This is what makes her so fascinating. I also like how James Oswald has blended this book in with his other series, which features DI Inspector McLean. Although McLean doesn’t make an appearance, several other characters do, including Madame Rose, and there’s even a reference to Grumpy Bob.

But if you haven’t read the Inspector McLean series, you don’t need to have done so to read this book. Perhaps in the future, McLean and Connie may team up which would definitely be interesting to see.The case which Constance is investigating is a very dark one. She has recently returned to her flat in London, only to discover a man, barely alive, not far from her home, who has been severely mutilated. Although she is meant to be on suspension, she becomes quickly sucked into the case and investigates quietly in the background against the orders of her superiors. During her investigations, she comes across a Church movement who claim to be doing their best for drug addicts and the homeless in the area. And her mother has become very fond of a man connected to the Church, although Con believes he has more of an eye for her mother’s money.I was utterly gripped to this book, and I managed to finish it in just a couple of sittings. There is high drama right from the first page.

Constance Fairchild is fast becoming a favourite fictional detective of mine. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.Publisher: WildfirePublication date: 25 July 2019 (hardcover) 14th November 2019 (paperback)Print length: 352 pagesIf you would like to purchase Nothing to Hide, you can do so by clicking on one of the following links below.FOLLOW THE BLOG TOUR. I’ve been catching up on my TBR pile recently and one book I was looking forward to reading was Dead Man’s Daughter by Roz Watkins.

I loved the first book in the DI Meg Dalton series so I was really excited when I finally got round to reading the second.BLURBShe was racing towards the gorge. The place the locals knew as ‘Dead Girl’s Drop’DI Meg Dalton is thrown headlong into her latest case when she finds a ten-year-old girl running barefoot through the woods in a blood-soaked nightdress.

In the house nearby, the girl’s father has been brutally stabbed to death.At first Meg suspects a robbery gone tragically wrong, but something doesn’t add up. Why does the girl have no memory of what happened to her? And why has her behaviour changed so dramatically since her recent heart transplant?The case takes a chilling turn when evidence points to the girl’s involvement in her own father’s murder. As unsettling family secrets emerge, Meg is forced to question her deepest beliefs to discover the shocking truth, before the killer strikes againMY THOUGHTSIf you like your crime fiction with a touch of the supernatural, then Roz Watkins DI Meg Dalton series set in the Peak District is one for you.DI Meg Dalton faces a particularly tough and complicated case.

In the opening chapters, she is faced with a horrifying scene. A woman alerts her attention to a young girl she has seen running through the woods. The girl’s nightdress was stained with blood. When Meg tracks down the girl and visits her home, she finds her father dead. The girl, Abbie, has recently had a heart transplant, and she is convinced that her heart made her kill her father.

Abbie believes she can remember what happened to its previous owner and describes this in great detail. It forces Meg to tackle the question, can having an organ transplant change a person’s personality? Can a donated organ still carry memories from its original owner?Meg is also going through a difficult personal time in this book. Her grandmother is dying, and she and her mother are preparing to take her to Switzerland.

Her gran has chosen to end her life as she doesn’t want to suffer any more. But Meg faces fierce opposition to her gran’s decision and finds herself and her family being targeted and threatened which pushes them to the brink.What I loved about the first book in this series was the touch of humour that Roz added to Meg. She is a character who often takes the mickey out of herself, and I really liked this about her personality. There is still some humour in this book, but the novel, on the whole, does feel a lot darker.The supernatural elements, for me, are what make this series stand out, and the setting gives it an added spooky and atmospheric atmosphere. You can see how the case is beginning to affect Meg; she seriously begins to question the events happening around her, even though she staunchly dismisses the idea of any supernatural link.Dead Man’s Daughter is a book that will keep you thinking about the plot and the characters involved. Meg is determined to do everything within her power to make sure that justice prevails, even though other police officers would quite happily brush this case under the carpet. Some of the themes that Roz Watkins explores may stay with you for a long time after you’ve read it.Publisher: HQPublication date: 4th April 2019Print length: 384 pagesIf you would like to purchase Dead Man’s Daughter, you can do so by clicking on one of the following links below.

A Window Breaks by C.M. Ewan was released in e-book on Thursday. I’m sharing my thoughts on my blog today.BLURBIf your family was targeted in the middle of the night, what would you do?You are asleep.

A noise wakes you.You stir, unsure why, and turn to your wife.Then you hear it.Glass. Crunching underfoot.Your worst fears are about to be realized.Someone is inside your home.Your choices are limited.You can run. Or stay and fight.What would you do?MY THOUGHTSI read A Window Breaks by C.M. Ewan really fast. I imagine that it’s everyone’s worst nightmare, to wake up in the middle of the night and find an intruder in your home. It’s a thought that’s never far from your mind when you’re checking doors and windows and making sure everything is locked before you go to bed, especially if you’re on your own.What was meant to be a short respite for Tom and his family soon turns into a nightmare. They’ve recently suffered their own bereavement after Tom lost his son, Michael, in a car accident along with his son’s girlfriend.

But that hasn’t been the end of their troubles. Recently they’ve been the victims of a vicious mugging, and in an attempt to try and overcome the horrors his family have suffered; Tom takes them to Scotland for a break. But things soon take a turn for the worse when Tom wakes early in the morning on their first night and discovers that someone has broken into the lodge. And it is clear that that person is here to harm them.If you enjoy high octane thrillers, then this is a novel for you. I was drawn into Tom and his family’s personal crises as they are attempting to come to terms with what has happened to them over the past few months.

The book does start at a fairly slow pace. But when the action gets going, it really doesn’t stop, and C.M. Ewan took me on a wild ride from the minute the action began.What made me turn the pages so fast was that I wanted desperately to find out why these men had targeted Tom and his family. Was this somehow connected to the death of Tom’s son? As I was reading, I really couldn’t work out what was going on behind the scenes, which only becomes clearer towards the end of the book.C.M. Ewan continues to raise the tension as Tom and his family fight to escape the clutches of the men who seem intent on killing them.

There were times when I practically held my breath as I waited to see what was going to happen next, when Tom makes each decision, thinking he is doing the best thing to protect his family. I remember feeling so convinced that at any moment this was going to be the point when they were discovered.But as Tom’s nightmare escalates, we do see snippets of what happened to his son in his final moments. The realisation of the truth does test the characters, and it did make me examine what I would do if I were in their shoes.Although it is quite a long thriller, it certainly didn’t feel long at all to me as I was reading. The high levels of tension kept me furiously turning those pages in search of the truth.

If you’re looking for a thriller that will keep you utterly gripped, then this is the book for you.Publisher: PanPublication date: 31st October 2019Print length: 464 pagesIf you would like to purchase A Window Breaks, you can do so by clicking on one of the following links below. I’m delighted to be joining the blog tour for Violet by SJI Holliday. With thanks to Anne Cater from Random Things Tours for inviting me to take part.BLURBCarrie’s best friend has an accident and can no longer make the round-the-world trip they’d planned together, so Carrie decides to go it alone.Violet is also travelling alone, after splitting up with her boyfriend in Thailand.

She is also desperate for a ticket on the Trans-Siberian Express, but there is nothing available.When the two women meet in a Beijing Hotel, Carrie makes the impulsive decision to invite Violet to take her best friend’s place.Thrown together in a strange country, and the cramped cabin of the train, the women soon form a bond. But as the journey continues, through Mongolia and into Russia, things start to unravel – because one of these women is not who she claims to beA tense and twisted psychological thriller about obsession, manipulation and toxic friendships, Violet also reminds us that there’s a reason why mother told us not to talk to strangersMY THOUGHTSSJI Holliday takes us across continents in her latest novel, beginning our journey in Bangkok, which is where we first meet our protagonist, the enigmatic Violet.

Violet is still reminiscing over her break-up with her boyfriend, Sam, and when she misses the last train due to take her to her next destination, she strikes up a conversation with the buoyant, Carrie, who quickly takes Violet under her wing. The two girls become close and take the next stages of their journey across Asia together. But their friendship soon begins to turn sour, and Carrie begins to realise that Violet may not be the person who she thinks she is.SJI Holliday’s latest book, Violet, is deliciously dark. There was something about Violet and Carrie’s friendship in the very early chapters that just drew me into the story. I wanted to know how things were going to pan out for them.

Everything at the beginning seems so perfect, but there is that underlying sense of darkness which makes you think that something terrible is going to happen between the two girls. I wanted to know what, if any, secrets they were hiding.Carrie is a very wild character who stands out next to Violet.

At first, Violet appears shy and just happy to tag along. But as Violet’s character develops, we begin to see a different person begin to emerge, someone who is more confident and intriguing. This is why I found her so fascinating. I could never quite pin her down, and this is what makes her very mysterious.I loved the settings.

Through SJI Holliday’s writing, I felt as though I had travelled to parts of the world which I have never visited before, including Thailand, Mongolia and Russia. This, for me, is what made this book stand out and made it feel very unique. Reading this book will probably make me think twice about starting up a conversation with a stranger in the future if such a situation ever arises.This is a book which can very easily be read in one sitting, and I devoured it in just a couple. The short chapters keep the pace flying forward. It’s quite different to SJI Holliday’s previous book, The Lingering, which I also enjoyed but I think, Violet is even better.Violet is highly engrossing and really well written. If you haven’t read a book by SJI Holliday before, then you don’t want to be missing out. Fantastic stuff.Publisher: Orenda BooksPublication date: 14th September 2019 (kindle) 14th November 2019 (paperback)Print length: 276 pagesIf you would like to purchase Violet, you can do so by clicking on one of the following links below.FOLLOW THE BLOG TOUR.

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